Trefoil News

DIY Drawer Stationery Organiser


Tired of losing your stationery? Well say no more! This neat drawer stationery organiser will allow you to keep all your stationery in one place. Try making your very own DIY Drawer Stationery Oragniser with these easy steps!

    To make:
  1. Take your boxes of all shapes and sizes and align them inside of your draw so you know how much space you can work with.
  2. Once you are happy with the placement of the boxes, using your scissors cut the height of the boxes so they fit in the drawer once closed.
  3. When you have done all of this, start wrapping the boxes in your colourful and artsy wrapping paper. Stick the paper together with your glue stick. Try covering each box in different colours so each box is unique.
  4. To ensure the boxes stay together, place a paper clip connecting the boxes together in a set position.
  5. Once you have done all the steps, you can then place all of your stationery in the boxes, giving relative items a place to stay together.