Trefoil News

Take our quiz


What type of stationery are you? Take our quiz below to find out what kind of Trefoil stationery you would be!

1. My favourite colours are:

  1. Neutral colours
  2. Bright, pastel colours
  3. Darker tones

2. I prefer writing with:

  1. Pen
  2. Markers
  3. Pencil

3. My favourite art medium is:

  1. Lead pencil
  2. Pastel
  3. Paint

4. What do you draw often:

  1. Whatever is in front of you.
  2. Doodles
  3. Nature

Mostly A’s

You are Schneider! You are very technical in your thinking. You like your information given to you in black and white, but you are still very artistic!

Mostly B’s

You are Amos! Everything bright and fun excites you. You see the world for all its good. Your creativity stems from colour! You think outside of the box and it shows through your creativity!

Mostly C’s

You are 4Stationery! You see the both sides of every situation – there is never really anything you don’t like. You enjoy all types of art, no matter the medium – which helps with your creativity! You can work with anything!