Trefoil News

Trefoil – New Year’s Resolution – Get Organised


When your life is organized and in order it is much easier to function efficiently at everyday tasks. Here are a few tips to help keep your life organized, just follow these simple tips to help you get on the right track in 2015. Before you begin organizing your belongings, you need to start with a clean slate so that you know what space you have to work with, for example clearing your desk. Once you have a clean slate begin to sort through the items that you will need in the year and the items you no longer need, place into storage.

Once you have acquired all the items that you deem necessary, begin to decide which items are used the most often such as stationery, pens, pencils, scissors etc. You can keep these in a stationery holder on your desk; some stationery sorters have various compartments to keep things even neater! A good tip is to keep a clock on your desk and a calendar nearby so that you never have to scramble around to look for dates and times. A calendar layout is easier to see and organize certain events. Try to keep as many electronic devices off your desk as they tend to cause clutter, try to keep it simple and just have space for your computer or laptop. All items that you use should be kept in places that are easy to reach for example the shelves in your desk. Try keep your drawers as organized as possible because there is nothing more overwhelming than a messy drawer with no way to find what you are looking for. You can even find small boxes and dividers to help keep everything in your drawers organized.
When in doubt remember – D.C.M. – Declutter, Containerise and Maintain.

To keep all your paperwork in order, files come in very handy, firstly they keep everything in a place, prevent paperwork from being damaged and help you to keep organized. Tab stickers are extremely useful as you can write labels for paper work and stick them on the edges of the paper. This will make your paperwork easy to locate, will not leave any sticky residue so your paper will always be clean and neat and also serves as a way to mark paperwork that you have not completed yet. If you don’t like sticker tabs then sticky notes will do just as well. Sticky notes are great as you can write yourself notes for a to do list or for any reason you require and stick the note in a location you will definitely notice, like your computer screen, or your calendar! Find a method that works for you and you will never be disorganized again. You can even find files that do not require a punch for papers to fit in that are organized in alphabetical order, which may be more convenient, if you find yourself on the move constantly. Just file your paperwork under the alphabetical denomination and you will never loose your paperwork again.

Get great stationery from Trefoil to start the new year off on the right foot!